The great popularity of streaming service has made Netflix present on a wide variety of platforms beyond TV, PC and mobile today. Its reach is such that even has arrived on video game consolesBut nothing is perfect, and devices like the Nintendo Switch lack official support for this platform.
So if you wanted Using your Switch to watch your movies and favorite series, there is nothing to do... Or is there? Well, it turns out that you can, and below we are going to show you How to watch Netflix on the Nintendo Switch, step by step and in a very detailed way so that you can do it on your own.
Can you watch Netflix movies and series on the Switch?
The official answer to this question is that No, you can't. Or at least not using one. official application of the platform. Apparently, Nintendo is not very happy with the idea of having anything other than video games in your store.
For this reason, and despite the fact that there was already a certain alliance between both companies (Wii, Wii U and 3DS had support for Netflix), and despite the fact that other platforms such as YouTube and Hulu have presence on the console, there is no way to have Netflix officially on the Switch.
It is for this reason that, while Nintendo console users hope that one day these two companies will understand each other again and reach an agreement, there is only one thing left to do: Two solutions to enjoy Netflix on your console. And that solution is what you will see below, but we must warn you. It is not a simple procedure, carries its risks and does not apply to all Switch devices.
How to watch Netflix on the Nintendo Switch by accessing the Play Store
It is a quick and easy method, where you first access a option within the Switch settings that will take us to the play store (unofficially). The step by step instructions can be found in this video:
How to watch Netflix on the Switch by changing the version
The procedure you will find below is undoubtedly the best and most effective, but It also carries its risks. This is because you are going to “Hacking” your console and make it run a second operating system, an Android version adapted to run the 100% on this console.
As you may already know, this type of modifications They are very delicate, and may even render the console unusable if done wrong. We should also point out that, after a procedure like this, you may lose all types of warranty and technical support from Nintendo. Having made this clear, let's now move on to the tutorial.
Step 1. Check compatibility
Before you even finish deciding whether or not you want to carry out this procedure, you must first find out if your Switch model It is hackable by RCM method and can support third-party software installation. How to find out? Follow these instructions:
- Take your Nintendo Switch and turn it over to see the bottom side.
- Locate the Serial Number, a sticker located to the left of the USB-C port.
- Take note of your serial without omitting any character.
- Now, in a browser with internet access, go to the page of IsMySwitchPatched.
- In the box, Select your serial prefix and writes the first 6 digits from your console's serial number.
- Once you have entered the data, press “Enter”.
- A result will appear to you with a color code: Green, yellow or red.
Green indicates that you can continue, while a red box indicates that there is (yet) no way to hack your console. On the other hand, yellow indicates that it is not known whether it is hackable, and requires further verification. Having obtained a positive result, you can continue.
Step 2. Requirements to carry out the procedure
Once you have verified that your console supports an RCM exploit (recovery mode) the next thing will be gather everything you need to carry out the step by step:
- RCM method, Jig preferably, or another of those shown in this page (You can buy it or make it yourself.)
- The latest version of the HEKATE bootloader.
- Software TegraRCM.
- A PC/Laptop.
- USB-C Cable from the console.
- Original SD HQ Memory, equal to or greater than 16 GB, formatted as FAT32 preferably, or in exFAT (may require additional drivers).
- SD adapter or reader for PC/Laptop.
- Zip file of the android rom to install.
- Optional: Installation package of the Google Apps of your preference (ARM64 – Android 10).
Now, regarding the ROM, on the download page you will have 2 versions: icosa-tab (Tablet version – compatible with almost the entire catalog of apps) and icosa-atv (TV version – Optimal for use with the 100% with movies and series). Download the one you think is convenient. Depending on the version of the ROM, you will have to choose the corresponding version of the Gapps if you wish.
Step 3. Preparing the SD
Now we are going to load the necessary files to the card to start the procedure. It is important that these files you place them directly on the root, that is, do not leave them inside another folder, nor create a new folder to save them.
Here's what you need to do:
- Connect the SD to the PC using the reader or adapter.
- Take the HEKATE ZIP file and decompress the content to the SD.
- Then, take the ROM ZIP Android and also decompresses the content to the SD.
Finally, pass the Google Apps ZIP without unzipping, to the root of the SD. Before continuing, copy the HEKATE .bin file that you unzipped to the SD and paste it to your desktop or some folder that you can locate quickly. It will be needed later. Once this is done, tap put the Switch into RCM Mode.
Step 4. Entering RCM Mode
First, we place the SD memory in the corresponding slot of the console. Now, We will need the PC, the Switch and the Jig to carry out these steps:
- On the PC, unzip the contents of the ZIP file of TegraRCM on the desktop.
- Open the unzipped folder, and locate the file TegraRCMGUI.exe.
- Run the file to start the utility.
- If this is your first time using it, go to “Settings” and click on “Install Drivers”.
- Once the drivers are installed, let's move on to the console.
- Disable internet connection and turn off the console.
- Remove the right Joy-Con.
- Insert the JIG into the rail and slide it to the end, to bridge the Pines.
- Now, turn on the console by pressing “Volume +” and "Light" simultaneously.
At this point if the screen turns on, something went wrong and it's time to repeat. VCheck that the JIG is properly positioned and bridging the appropriate pins. If the screen does not turn on, you can continue.
Step 5. Installing Android
Now it's time to start with the installing the files necessary for the Switch to run the Android operating system we have chosen. To do so, follow these instructions:
- Connect the console in RCM mode to your PC via the USB-C cable.
- Check that in the TegraRCM window the message RCM OK appears.
- In the “ tabPayload” by TegraRCM, click on the folder icon.
- Navigate and locate the .bin file of HECATE that we copied to the PC.
- Select the file and click “Open”.
- Now click on “Inject Payload”.
- Next, HEACTE will be launched on the Nintendo Switch.
Get a backup of Bluetooth information
- Remove the JIG and reinsert the Joy-Con.
- Click on the option “Nix options”, bottom left.
- Now, press “Dump Joy-Con BT”.
- Press “Ok” in the window that appears.
Partitioning the SD
- Press “Close” to return to the home screen.
- Enter the option “Tools”.
- Click on “Partition SD Card”.
- Press “Ok” in the pop-up window.
- Now 4 sliders will appear. Take the last one named Android and take it to the end, as much as possible (DO NOT touch the others!!!).
- Now click on “Next Step”, and then in “Start”.
Installing Android
Once the partitioning is finished, click on “Flash Android” in the window that appears. If everything goes well, press “Continue” and wait for the program to finish the procedure. If, on the other hand, an error message appears saying that can't find android files, don't worry and do the following:
- Remove the SD from the console (without turning it off).
- Connect the SD to the PC.
- Return to upload files from the Android ROM.
- Please insert the SD card again in the Console.
- Proceed to Flash the ROM again.
Once the procedure is completed, We will start the new operating system as follows:
- After finishing flashing the ROM, it will ask if you want to reboot. Press “No”.
- Click on “Close”, and then on “Home”.
- Enter “More Configs”.
- We will see an icon with the name “Switchroot Android 10”. You are going to press it while holding down the “ buttonVolume +” from the console until the message appears TWRP Recovery.
- Slide the blue switch that appears on the screen.
- Click on “Install”, and then on “Select Storage”.
- In the menu that appears, choose “Micro SD Card” and press “Ok”.
- First, select the LineageOS .ZIP (The Android ROM).
- On the next screen, slide the blue box and wait for it to appear. finish the installation.
- When finished, ignore the system options and press the back arrow that appears. at the bottom (the same one that appears on any Android mobile).
- Repeat the procedure, now pressing the .ZIP of Google Apps.
- Once this installation is complete, press “Wipe Cache” and slide the blue box.
Once this step is completed, now press “Reboot” to reboot and enter the newly installed operating system. You will be presented with the typical Android configuration screens. Once everything is configured, you will have Android running on your console. without problems.
Step 6. Install Netflix
Next, All that remains is to install Netflix just like you would on any Android mobile, from the Play Store. Once the installation is complete, run the application, log in with your account, and that's it, you can watch all the series and movies you want.
It is worth noting that the Android installed It is fully functional, and depending on the version chosen (Tablet or TV) you will have a compatible and operational 100% device. You can even flash other custom .ZIPs that, among other things, will allow you to overclock the CPU. Finally, if for some reason you turn off the console and want to start again on Android, do the following:
- Take the console off and put it on RCM Mode (Remember to have the SD card in the console).
- Connect it to the computer.
- Inject again the payload with TegraRCM.
- Once HECATE starts again, click on “More configs”.
- Click now “Switchroot Android 10” and that’s it, the operating system starts.